Special Events and Receptions

  • 10/8 General University Fee-Open Forum




    Come ask questions or share feedback on the General University Fee and Student Health and Wellness Fee

    For FY21 (Fall 2020)


    The General University Fee Supports the Following Departments:

    Center for Career Development

    Jorgensen Center for Performing Arts

    UConn Athletics

    UConn Marching Band

    Student Union

    UConn Recreation

    Off-Campus & Commuter Student Services

    One Card

    Student Activities (including Storrs Student Activity Summer Programs)

    The Student Health and Wellness (SHaW) Services fee supports

    Medical Health Services

    Mental Health Services

    Health Promotion Services


    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2019

    3:00-4:00 PM

    Student Union, Room 312


    For more information on the Student Activity and Service Fee Advisory Committee process and individual budget hearings, go to http://sfac.uconn.edu/

    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at janice.canniff@uconn.edu