Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 11/8 General Education Course Grant Competition

    The General Education Course Enhancement Grant Competition is designed to promote the ongoing enhancement of UConn’s General Education curriculum through the development of new courses or the revision of existing courses.

    Priorities of this year’s competition

    In an effort to improve course availability in the curriculum, we encourage proposals addressing priorities listed below. Please note, however, that proposals for any General Education course development will be considered and will be favorably viewed if they are deemed to enhance General Education offerings. Submissions are especially sought for:

    1. Courses that enhance offerings in the Competency (W, Q) or Literacy (E) areas

    2. Courses that emphasize integrative learning or incorporate high-impact practices. In particular, the selection committee would be interested to see proposals that find a way to utilize the university’s new Portfolium ePortfolio system

    3. Courses that are developed and/or taught in (interdisciplinary) collaboration.

    For more information and application materials, please go to



    For more information, contact: Karen McDermott at