Special Events and Receptions

  • 9/25 African American Faculty Staff Association (AAFSA)



    On behalf of the African American Faculty and Staff Association (AAFSA) Executive Board, you are cordially invited to attend our General Meetings as often as your schedule allows throughout the academic term.  The AAFSA is focused on providing a support network and a host of resources for African and African-American faculty, staff, students and allies. 


    While we, the current E-Board, have accepted the charge to lead the Association for this next two years; we will not succeed as a body if only half of our Association’s name is in the room to contribute each month.  As African American faculty and staff members here at this great University, we all have value to bring to the table to effect change on issues that impact us every day; and it is important that we begin the work and start the conversations as a united body, before any crisis is upon us. 


    If you have the time and if you agree that you have something to contribute (i.e., ideas and skillsets to help positively propel the AAFSA body forward), Please join us at these meetings, your voice, ideas, experiences, and knowledge matters, and we want to hear from you and meet you!


    All we ask is for a commitment of one hour per month from 12:00 – 1:00/1:30PM; Lunch is also provided at each meeting.

     CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP AND ACCESS FLYER: https://forms.gle/QDHa75QsFsTkoosQ6

    Our Fall meeting dates are as follows (12:00PM – 1:30PM)

    Wednesday, September 25th

    Wednesday, October 23rd 

    Wednesday, November 20th

    Wednesday, December 4th


    All meetings are held in the African American Cultural Center, located on the 4th Floor of the Student Union.


    Best Regards,

    AAFSA Executive Board

    For more information, contact: Trisha Hawthorne at Trisha.Hawthorne@uconn.edu