Special Events and Receptions

  • 9/20 AAUP hosts "Contingency & Gender-Adjunct Hiring"

    September 20, 2019 – 2:30-4:00 pm – Student Union Room #304

    UConn-AAUP Committee W welcomes National AAUP East Coast Organizer David Kociemba

    who will present “Contingency and Gender:  How Adjunct Hiring Disproportionately Effects Women and POC.

    What adjuncts, tenured faculty, and the union can do.


    Contingent academic employment is a gender issue.  Adjunct hiring disproportionately effects women and people of color, who make up 2/3 of contingent faculty nationally.  How can contingent faculty organize? What can the UConn-AAUP do to support them now and in upcoming contract negotiations? And how contingency threatens tenure and academic freedom and what FT faculty can do. 


    For more information, contact: Kelly Dennis at kelly.dennis@uconn.edu