Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Participants in ACL Injury Study

    Examining Barriers, Facilitators and Physical Function in Individuals Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction.

    We are recruiting individuals to participate in a research study.


    We are recruiting active individuals who meet the following criteria:

     - Physically active individuals between the ages of 14-35 (currently or previously having

                participated in recreational or competitive athletics/activity

     - Previously sustained a primary (first time) ACL injury within the past 12 months

     - Underwent ACL reconstruction surgery

     - Cleared by their physician to return to their pre-injury level of participation

     - Ability to understand and speak the English language in order to participate in interviews


    This study aims to identify barriers before and after surgery in conjunction with other measures (i.e. strength, landing and jumping and

    balance) to help better understand the role psychological recovery plays in regaining function and return to sport.


    You will be asked to complete one testing session. The testing session will examine 4 major components related to return to sport and

    function following ACL Reconstruction. The test session will include tasks that examine balance, strength, sport performance and surveys.

    If you qualify you may be asked to complete a second testing session. If you are interested in learning more about what this study entails

    or about if you qualify, please email Steven Davi (information below). This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Lindsay

    DiStefano, an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology.


    Please contact the student investigator, Steven Davi ( if you are interested in participating or have any questions.



    This research study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol # H16-120.

    For more information, contact: Steven Davi / Kinesiology at