Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • CSD Update to Coordinating Course Modifications

    Course Modifications

    (Absences from Class, Extended Time on Assignments, Alternate Assignments)

    Letter to Teaching Professionals regarding process changes


    Dear Teaching Professionals:

    The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) is vested by the University with the authority to respond to students’ requests for accommodations by engaging in a deliberative, interactive process with each student and determining appropriate academic adjustments on an individualized, case-by-case, class-by-class basis. This practice is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended (2008), which provides that no qualified person will be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of, any program or activity operated by the University because of a disability.

    In recent years, the academic adjustments of absences from class and extended time on assignments have been requested and approved more frequently. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) within the U.S. Department of Justice has indicated to higher education institutions that these adjustments are appropriate accommodations for some students depending upon their conditions and the resulting functional limitations.

    This is complicated by the fact that the University of Connecticut does not require class attendance. According to the Senate By-Laws, “grades are not to be reduced merely because of a student’s absences” (; however, according to the University’s Academic Regulations, grades can depend on classroom participation (

    CSD believes that it is in the best interest of students to attend class and actively engage in the learning process. However, these academic adjustments of absences from class and extended time on assignments have been determined to be reasonable and appropriate accommodations by OCR.

    Additionally, OCR has notified higher education institutions that once approved for academic adjustments of absences from class and/or extended time on assignments, students cannot negotiate the coordination of these accommodations directly with their faculty. In other words, CSD is required to engage each faculty member who has a student approved for absences from class and/or extended time on assignments enrolled in their courses to determine: (1) the appropriateness of these adjustments in the course; (2) the nature of the course and how it is taught, including assessments; and (3) how many absences from class or due date extensions are reasonable without fundamentally altering the course or compromising the technical standards of a program.

    Accordingly, beginning this 2019-2020 academic year, the CSD will be enacting a new process specific to the academic adjustments of absences from class and extended time on assignments in order to meet our mandate under federal law to coordinate these accommodations on behalf of students and to reduce the gray areas that have caused issues in the past (i.e. how many absences are reasonable?). If you have a student enrolled in your course this fall approved for a course modification (absences from class, extended time on assignments or alternate assignments), the CSD Accommodations team will be contacting you via email to create a Course Modification Agreement for your course. Course Modification Agreements will be established on a course-by-course basis. In other words, if you have two students in your course approved for absences from class, the same Course Modification Agreement will be established for both students.

    The new process will include the following steps:

    1. CSD notifies all teaching professionals associated with a course of students approved academic adjustments via an accommodation letter (this is a continuation of past practice and required by law);
    2. When indicated, CSD Accommodations team emails teaching professionals a link to submit an online form to the CSD to engage in the process for determining course modifications in the course, including how many absences from class or due date extensions are reasonable without fundamentally altering the course or compromising the technical standards of a program.
    3. CSD creates a Course Modification Agreement with the instructor information and provides a copy to the student, instructor, and Disability Service Professional.
    4. By utilizing the Course Modification Agreement, students agree to the terms.

    Questions regarding the procedure outlined above can be directed to Jaclyn Moriarty at or by calling 860-486-2020

    For more information, contact: CSD at