Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • Free - Yoga for Stress Reduction

    Student Health & Wellness is excited to offer our popular Yoga for Stress Relief class this fall!  Our drop-in yoga classes emphasize mindful awareness and self-compassion. Each class includes a brief overview of yogic philosophy/techniques, a centering and/or body scan, yogic breathing, postures, and final relaxation.  All skill levels welcome, no prior yoga experience needed.  Classes are free, and open to UConn students, faculty and staff.  Equipment provided, just come dressed comfortably!

    Classes are capped at 30 participants, on a first come basis.

    Fall 2019 Schedule:

    • Classes will run from 9/5/19 – 12/5/19 (no classes Thanksgiving week)
    • Dates: Thursdays from 11am-12pm and 12:15pm-1:15pm
    • Location: Arjona 403 (Student Health & Wellness Yoga & Meditation Room)


    Please visit to learn more!

    For more information, contact: SHAW at 860-486-4705