Training and Professional Development

  • 8/28 WebFOCUS | Intro to Standard Reporting (KFDM)

    WebFOCUS | Intro to Standard Reporting (KFDM)
    Instructor-Led Training 

    Wednesday, August 28;  1:00-2:00p 
    Storrs Campus, Wilbur Cross Building 
    Garden Level | Training Room B 

    WebFOCUS is a portal that provides a multitude of ways to consume, personalize, and publish UConn's financial data.  This session will review various options available through WebFOCUS standard reports, that will all you to retrieve data from KFDM and view (or share) it in an organized and comprehensive way.

    This training session will cover:

    • an introduction to KFDM Standard Reports using WebFOCUS
    • logging into WebFOCUS
    • general navigation
    • how to run, review, schedule, save, and defer standard reports
    • and more...

    This is a hands-on, 60-minute class, intended for users that have a general understanding of KFS.

    NOTE: PLEASE confirm your access to KFDM prior to attending the class.  

    Register by clicking this link.  

    For more information, contact: Marie Mariano at