Additional UConn Information

  • New Name: Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services


    We are excited to announce that our department’s name has changed to Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services.

    The new name will more accurately represent and reflect the two distinct student populations we currently serve though our programs and initiatives; students who live off campus as well as students who are commuting from further distances and often living in a family unit. Each of these groups have unique needs.

    While our current programming model responds well to these needs, recent assessment results confirm that students not living on campus feel less connected and engaged than their peers who do. Although our office alone cannot address the disconnect off campus and commuter students may experience, changing our name to be explicitly inclusive of commuter students is one important step. By adding “commuter” to our name, we emphasize their connection to UConn as well as identified services to support them in their success.

    Additionally, we are including the tagline, “Live Off ~ Connect On” to all of our marketing and communication materials to reinforce a connection to campus. 

    Thank you in advance for promoting our new name by updating all materials, documents and websites which reference our office.


    For more information, contact: John Armstrong at