Training and Professional Development

  • 8/1 Syllabus Design & Teaching Philosophy Statement

    Thursday, August 1                 9:00-11:30                               Combination workshop 1) Designing a syllabus and 2) Crafting a Teaching Philosophy Statement

    It can be very productive to design a syllabus and think about your teaching philosophy at the same time. In this two and a half hour workshop you will be given writing prompts to help you begin to draft a syllabus and teaching philosophy statement or, if you have them already, to continue revising. We will do timed writing and share our writing with other participants. Writing alongside others is a time-tested way of advancing a writing project. Bring a laptop or paper and pens, and feel free to leave early or arrive late or leave early.

    Register at -

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at