Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • EAP Frontline Employee - July 2019 Newsletter

    Featured in this month’s edition:

    Saying No at Work-with Style – “Saying ‘no’ is a strategy for reducing stress, but keeping workplace relationships positive and your reputation as a team player are important considerations in your response…“

    Feeling Bullied, But not sure? - “If you’re bullied at work but unsure about how to respond, questioning your reaction or … “

    Get a Better Anger Management Plan - “Do you struggle to keep your anger under control by attempting to suppress your thoughts at temper-triggering events?”

    • Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet
    • Helping a Friend with an Eating Disorder
    • World Health Organization Recognizes Burn-out
    • Secret to Feeling Good All Day
    • Journaling for Maximum Impact

    For the full July 2019 edition of “Frontline Employee”, or to learn more about UConn EAP visit our webpage:

    Your EAP provides professional, brief counseling – on campus, plus 27 locations statewide - to help identify and resolve personal, family or work related concerns. Employee Assistance is:

    • Confidential!
    • Free!
    • Household Members too!


    • The UConn EAP webpage now includes a full section of brief information videos to assist you in helping your valuable people to succeed in the midst of the human factor at work.
    • EAP is also available by invitation to meet with departments, programs or other groups to discuss and process challenges, critical incidents or other areas of common concern.

    To schedule a private appointment, or speak with an EAP consultant, call:

    (860) 486-1307 Storrs

    (800) 852-4392 Statewide - 24 hours (Toll-free in CT)


    For more information, contact: David Francis at