Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling LGBQ Participants-Paid Hate Speech Study

    PAID Study on LGBQ Individuals' Experiences with Hate Speech

    Researchers at the University of Connecticut are conducting a study on the health benefits of social support for victims of hate speech. If you are an adult (18 or older) within the LGBQ community who (a) has experienced hate speech within the past year that was targeted at your sexual orientation, (b) found the experience to be painful, and (c) have a friend, family member, or romantic partner who is willing to join you for a lab visitation to participate in a 10-minute discussion, you are eligible to participate in this study. 

    Trans folx are welcome to participate if they identify as LGBQ, but we are looking specifically at hate speech experiences based on sexual orientation, not on gender identification. 

    The entire study should require about 3 hours of your time and about 30 minutes of your partner's time. The study will involve taking a survey at home two days prior to a lab visitation, which will take about 30-minutes to complete. On the actual lab day, you will have a 10-minute conversation with your conversation partner about your hate-speech experience, you will complete two surveys that will require about 30-minutes in total to complete, and provide four saliva samples that will be used to analyze biological markers of psychological stress. You will be in the lab for about 90 minutes, but your partner is welcome to leave after the conversation.  Finally, you will complete a survey one-month following your lab visitation that will require about 30-minutes of your time. 

    The study will take place within our Interpersonal Interaction Lab on the University of Connecticut campus. Therefore, we need participants from the Greater Hartford and Storrs area. You will be given $60 for participating in this study. 

    If you’re interested in participating in this study, please fill out this eligibility survey, which asks for your contact information at the end. 

    IRB# (from University of Washington IRB, Authorization Agreement with UConn): STUDY00003801
    Study Screening Survey Link:

    For more information, contact: Amanda Denes at