Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Call for Proposals:HHMI Inclusive Excellence Grant

    Grant Opportunity in Science Education

    IE3: Building Institutional Capacity for Student Belonging (Howard Hughes Medical Institute)


    The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce this limited submission funding opportunity for institutional grants in science education. Limited submission programs allow only a single applicant from each institution. In order to determine which proposal will be selected as the official application from UConn, interested parties must submit a one-page summary of the planned proposal directly to no later than July 8, 2019. This summary should include a description of the specific instructional challenge(s) to be addressed in STEM education, the means and modalities through which these challenges will be addressed, the metrics through which success will be measured, and the names and affiliations of the contributors to the proposal. The lead contact for the selected proposal will be notified before July 31, 2019, which is the deadline for the Intent to Apply to be transmitted to the funding entity, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.


    The purpose of these grants is to foster a learning community of college and university faculty and administrators who are engaged in the process of increasing their institution’s capacity for inclusion of all students in STEM education, especially students who belong to groups underrepresented in the sciences. Each school in the community commits to learning through reflection, sharing what is being learned, listening to feedback, and supporting other members of the community. Each grant will provide $1 million over five years and will not be renewable.

    Successful proposals in previous grant cycles have been characterized by the following key features:

    ·        Proposals should be able to identify a true concern/issue at their institution, as supported by data

    ·        Proposed initiatives should be supported by data that demonstrates how they will increase success for students

    ·        Proposals that demonstrate the potential to improve student retention are especially compelling

     Key Dates:

    • July 31, 2019: Deadline for Intent to Apply
    • January 14, 2020: Pre-proposal Due
    • Late Spring 2020: Invitations for Finalist Proposals
    • August 5-7 & 10-12, 2020: Finalist Workshops
    • December 1, 2020: Finalist Proposal Due
    • September 2021: Awards

    Further information about this grant is available at the following links:


    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at 860-486-4037