Training and Professional Development

  • 5/20 Educator Conference on Undocumented Students

    CT Students for a Dream will be having its 5th Annual Educators Conference on Undocumented Youth on May 20th at SCSU! The conference focuses on the knowledge, skills, and resources that educators need in order to create a welcoming and supportive environment for undocumented students.

    Building Unafraid Schools & Communities; An Educator Conference on Undocumented Youth 
    Monday, May 20th, 8:00am-4:00pm 
    Southern Connecticut State University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 
    Cost: $50.00 (breakfast and lunch included) 
    Register here by 5/17 >> 

    Anyone is welcome to attend our conference especially K-12 teachers, counselors, administrators, parent liaisons, college faculty, staff, and administration, community organization staff, future educators, and others who care about education equity for undocumented students. Register here:

    Sign up to be a volunteer here:


    *CT Students for a Dream is a statewide, youth led organization fighting for the rights of undocumented youth and their families.* 

    For more information, contact: Stefan Keller at