Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Research Volunteers Airway Profile in E-Cig Use

    Participating in this research study will help us learn more about the airway inflammation that
    occurs in users of electronic cigarettes compared to regular cigarette smokers and to non-smokers.

    We think this research will provide valuable information about the airway damage that occurs in
    people who use e-cig and regular cigarettes.

    To be eligible volunteers must meet the following criteria:

    Be between 18-55 years old.
    Be a daily user of e-cigarettes for at least 1 year.
    Have no known drug allergies.
    Must not have any medical, including allergic rhino-sinusitis, or psychological condition for which
    the use a daily medication has been prescribed.
    Must not have any of the following: a history of pulmonary disease, including asthma, COPD or any
    condition for which subjects require the use of inhaled medications

    Participants will receive $100 compensation.

    This study involves 1 visit which will take about 2 hour. The visit involves health questions,
    a questionnaire, brief physical exam, blood draw and sputum induction to obtain sputum.

    UCONN HEALTH FARMINGTON- CLINICAL RESEARCH CENTER   Call (860) 679-3088 for more information to see if you are

    This study titled, THE AIRWAY INFLAMMATORY PROFILE OF E-CIGARETTE USERS is being conducted under
    the direction of Dr. Mario Perez, in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at UConn Health. IRB # 17-045-2

    For more information, contact: Paul Appleton at