Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Fall and Summer Book Orders are Past Due

    With Student Registration for Fall 2019 semester well umnder way, book orders are due now at the UConn Bookstore.  Please submit your orders now using our online ordering website, Faculty Enlight, or by calling 860-486-3727.  You may also place orders by emailing your regular Textbook Department contact.

    We ask you to place your orders this early for a variety of reasons.  The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2010 requires that students have access to textbook information prior to registering for classes.  With anticipated textbook information at hand, students can make the most informed decisions when selecting their Fall courses.  Compliance with the HEOA is linked to Federal Financial Aid funding so please help UConn comply to the greatest extent possible.

    More importantly though, any books that are reordered can be retained for re-use on our own campus.  The more used books we can re-use, the greater the savings to our own students!  Our textbook rental program and the availability of used books saves UConn students hundreds of thousands of dollars each year!

    Thank you very much for your assistance!

    For more information, contact: UConn Bookstore at 8604863727