Training and Professional Development

  • 4/18 The Graduate School Lunch & Learn

    The Graduate School Lunch and Learn Series

    Navigating Difficult Conversations


    Please join us for our next Lunch and Learn event on Thursday, April 18th!

    This session will focus on navigating difficult conversations.


    Difficult conversations are just that, difficult; but they are a healthy, normal part of our work with graduate students, particularly for faculty advisors and directors of graduate programs. Whether it is providing challenging feedback or discussing a conflict, the tendency can be to avoid addressing the issue or possibly overact in a conversation.   We will unpack why we sometimes avoid engaging in challenging conversations and why they cause so much stress and anxiety. You will leave with strategies that will help reduce stress and increase success of these conversations.

    This session will be facilitated by Cinnamon Adams, Director of Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Support. Cinnamon has worked at the University of Connecticut since 2002 in various Student Affairs positions that all relate in some way to helping others manage conflict, have difficult conversations, and/or navigate through challenging times.  She currently works in The Graduate School helping both graduate faculty and graduate students in this same capacity.

    Feel free to bring your lunch!


    Date:              Thursday, April 18, 2019

    Time:              12:30-1:30pm

    Room:             GENT 119E

    RSVP:              Through this link


    We hope to see you there!

    The Graduate School


    For more information, contact: Megan Petsa at