Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/27 Dangerous Speech and What to Do About It

    Dangerous Speech and What to Do About It:
    Fear and Loathing in Our Discourse
    Dr. Cathy Buerger, Dangerous Speech Project

    Wednesday, March 27, 2018
    Konover Auditorium

    No one is born hating or fearing other people. That has to be taught âÂ�Â� and those harmful lessons seem to be similar, though theyâÂ�Â�re given in highly disparate cultures, languages, and places. Leaders around the world use particular kinds of rhetoric to turn groups of people violently against one another. But this rhetoric is, of course, nothing new. The vocabulary varies, but the same themes recur: members of other groups are depicted as threats so serious that violence against them comes to seem acceptable or even necessary. In this talk, drawing from both historical and contemporary examples, Dr. Cathy Buerger will outline a framework for identifying Dangerous Speech âÂ�Â� any form of expression that can increase the risk that its audience will condone or commit violence against members of another group. The lecture will conclude with a discussion of productive responses to dangerous and otherwise harmful speech.


    Post-Presentation Focus Group
    12:30pm âÂ�Â� 1:30pm
    Room 162

    Join us following the Dr. BuergerâÂ�Â�s presentation for a focus group discussion designed to inform the Dangerous Speech ProjectâÂ�Â�s efforts in developing educational resources. Participants will provide feedback on key elements of the presentation and resources, and consider strategies for educational impact. Lunch will be provided.

    To RSVP for the focus group, please email

    For more information, contact: Dodd Center at