Training and Professional Development

  • 4/3 - HuskyCT: Assessments and Assignments

    Hands-On HuskyCT Series: Assessments and Assignments
    Rowe 319

    -          Weds., 4/3, 2:00-3:30 – Register at –

    This three-session series walks participants through the most commonly used features in HuskyCT for assessing student learning: the Test and Assignment tools. Beginning with an introductory/overview session and progressing to two hands-on/review sessions, participants in this series will get an overview of the tools available to instructors and how to use them, including online quizzes/exams, file submissions for assignments, and using SafeAssign (a built-in plagiarism detection software) as it relates to pedagogy. We will conclude with a complete review of each participants’ strategies for assessing students using HuskyCT, and by the third session participants will be able to implement those strategies. 

    For more information, contact: Educational Technology at