Human Resources and Benefits

  • Long Term Care Enrollment Period

    State of Connecticut employees are eligible for Long Term Care Insurance 

    Active employees age 65 and under working 17.5 hours or more per week are eligible to apply with Simplified Underwriting (answer only 9 health questions) for a limited time during this enrollment period!

    SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT OFFERING: Connecticut Partnership Long-Term Care Insurance [LTCi] from Transamerica Life Insurance Company. This benefit is available to active employees working 17.5 hours or more per week, Retirees, Spouses*, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents and adult children age 18 or older.  Policies are certified by the Connecticut Partnership for Long-Term Care and provide asset protection under the Connecticut Partnership Plan. Additionally, as a State employee you receive a discount on Long Term Care Insurance and you may pay the premiums through the convenience of payroll deduction, at no additional cost.  

    For more Information, contact your authorized Transamerica Life Representative:

    Robert DeLorey, CLTC


    *”Spouse” means a person legally married to or joined in a civil union with a State employee.

    For more information, contact: Robert DeLorey at