Additional UConn Information

  • CreateAT Hackathon for Students a Huge Success

    We’re pleased to announce that CreateAT happened last weekend and was a huge success!! CreateAT was started by three students from the Center for Students with Disabilities Tech Team (CSDTech Team) - Karl Douglass Mueller, Meghan Palumbo, and Nancy Kuhn - and was developed with funding from UConn’s IDEA Grant. CreateAT is a 12 hour hackathon-like event that allows UConn “Makers” (students who are engineers, innovators, or hands-on builders) to assist “Co-Designers” (an individual with a disability) by designing and creating assistive technology (AT) prototypes.  AT is any technology that helps someone with a disability complete a task more easily and independently.

    Please check out our Facebook page for more information.

    For more information, contact: Alyssa Marinaccio at