Important University-Wide Announcements

  • Have Coffee with Incoming President Katsouleas

    Dear UConn Community,

    I continue to be moved by your incredibly warm welcomes and messages, and inspired by your talents and generosity. I am learning about wonderful traditions like Huskython, the recent recognition of our Grammy-winning music faculty, and I even got an invitation to surf with an Avery Point Ph.D. student (I’ll wait for late spring on that one!).

    I wanted to let you know my plans for visits to Connecticut and get-to-know-you meetings in the coming months, beginning on Sunday, March 10 through Wednesday, March 13. After that, I will be coming up for a few days each month between now and August to listen and learn as much as I can from you. I will also be visiting all of the schools, colleges, and regional campuses – a few at a time – between now and midway through the fall semester.

    Anna Maria and I were excited to start things off yesterday with our first real tour of Storrs with a student guide! Today and tomorrow, I am meeting with many members of the University’s senior leadership, as well as student leaders on the Storrs campus.

    But I would also love to say hello to any and all members of the campus community in person; please feel free to come by and say hello and grab a cup of coffee with me between 8:45 a.m. and shortly before 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12 at The Beanery in the Benton Museum on the Storrs campus.

    I will also be touring UConn Health in Farmington on Wednesday morning, March 13. Please join me if you can for a hello coffee at the mezzanine of the University Tower near the Starbucks between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. All are welcome to stop by.

    And as always: Go Huskies!


    For more information, contact: the President's Office at