Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Students with Chronic Medical Conditions

    University of Connecticut

    Undergraduate and Graduate Student Volunteers Wanted for a Research Study

    Many UCONN students experience chronic, or long-term, medical conditions including (but not limited to) diabetes, asthma, cancer, or irritable bowel syndrome. We are interested in learning about the everyday experiences of students with chronic medical conditions, in order to better offer support and stress-management resources to this group of students. 

    Participants in this study will complete three 30-minute online surveys, each spaced two weeks apart. Questionnaires will ask participants to provide information about day-to-day stressful experiences, physical and emotional well-being, and strategies used to manage stress. All responses will be kept strictly confidential.

    Participants in this study must be undergraduate or graduate students enrolled at any UConn campus. Eligible participants will currently experience a chronic medical condition that required them to go to the doctor twice or more in the past year.

    All study surveys will be completed online, via a secure survey platform (Qualtrics). Participants will be reimbursed with an electronic gift card worth up to $15 upon completion of the study.

    If you experience a medical condition that required you to go to the doctor twice or more in the past year and would like to participate in this study, please contact us at to complete a brief initial assessment of eligibility. This study is being conducted by Dr. Crystal Park and Lucy Finkelstein-Fox in the Department of Psychological Sciences.

    All inquiries are confidential.

    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol#H17-273

    For more information, contact: Lucy Finkelstein-Fox at