Training and Professional Development

  • 3/8 Getting Started with Flipped Instruction

    Getting Started with Flipped Instruction
    Friday, March 8th from 1:30 PM – 3PM
    ROWE 318
    Jennifer Parker and David Des Armier, Jr., eCampus
    Want to learn more about flipped classroom approaches? This seminar will provide an introduction to designing a flipped course. We will describe the reasons for wanting to flip a course, explain how this course delivery approach will benefit you and your students, and identify specific pedagogical challenges. Also, we will highlight some of the various tools, processes, and methods available for creating a flipped course. This seminar is informational, however, a more advanced flipped seminar/workshop will be available later in the spring semester.

    Register at -

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at