Additional UConn Information

  • Annual Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children

    2019 Annual Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children

    The CT Technology Transfer Center with the support from local agencies and organizations around the state, is bringing awareness of roadway safety to Connecticut. Help make the Ninth Annual Roadway Safety Poster Contest for Children a huge Success in 2019!

    We want to make roadway safety a priority and are asking the children of Connecticut to help promote safety through art. This poster contest is for children grades K-6. We will have winners in multiple groups: K-1, 2-4, and 5-6. We are looking for creative posters illustrating roadway safety concepts from a child’s point of view.

    We are accepting submissions until March 8th. Winners will receive prizes and awards at the Work Zone Safety Awareness Press Conference in April 2019. Prizes include: Chromebooks for the winners and gift cards and variety of goodies for runner-ups.

    For our Poster Contest Participant Packet including guidelines and more information about the contest, click on the link below.

    For more information, contact: Regina Hackett at (860) 486-6753