Research, Funding, and Awards

  • New Award for Excellence in Dialogue and Civility

    To the UConn Community:


    Over my time at UConn so many of you have worked together on my larger, overarching goal for the University:  creating an inclusive, civil community intent on learning, arguing and evolving together.  Whether it was our programs to aid the victims of Sandy Hook, or our articulated outrage to proposed bans on Muslim immigrants to the United States, we have come together to talk, to worry, and puzzle over what it all means for university campuses in the 21st century dedicated to both intellectual introspection and real action.


    Inside the classroom, professors have brought the concerns of the world into discussions, creatively and urgently.  So many committees, across campuses, have provided new road maps to enhance the human texture of this community.  Metanoias have broadened our ways of thinking and being, and they have – to my mind – made a stunning difference the continuous building of UConn Nation. It should never end: universities are places that must react and change, or they will never maintain their precious and rightful places as democratic strongholds.


    To that end, one of our terrific committees has proposed the President’s Award for Excellence in Dialogue and Civility to recognize faculty, staff and students who are working hard to enhance this campus.  And we are now seeking nominations!


    For example, you may know someone who has excelled at facilitating difficult conversations, or someone or some group that has reached out to other communities.  Maybe you know of a formal or informal enclave of people devoted to new forms of service, or who have developed novel ways of teaching/training/collaborating that spark debate and deep thinking.  


    Be super imaginative, and nominate those who try to make this a more interesting, collegial, and humane place.


    Nominations and self-nominations are welcome from any UConn community member; everyone here is eligible.   Awards will be given separately to students, faculty, and staff; nominations of individuals and groups are welcome.


    Nominations are due March 1, and supporting materials are due March 11.   To submit a nomination visit this website.


    Nominees will be automatically notified of their nominations.  Recipients will be named at a special awards ceremony on April 2, 2019, with me, campus leaders and members of our Board of Trustees.



    Susan Herbst




    For more information, contact: Christine Wilson at