Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Dean Kazem Kazerounian Announcement

    Sent on behalf of Craig H. Kennedy, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Dr. Kazem Kazerounian was appointed Interim Dean of the School of Engineering in August 2012 and that position was converted to a permanent one in 2014. Under his leadership, the School of Engineering has successfully accommodated a 70% increase in its undergraduate enrollment, expanded its research activities by 40%, and nurtured an impressively high level of scholarship as evidenced by a significant increase in the number of large and prestigious awards received by its faculty. Dean Kazerounian has built a strong and supportive work environment for Engineering faculty and staff which, like its student population, has become increasingly diverse over the last several years. Of particular importance have been Dean Kazerounian’s extensive and successful efforts to build partnerships with industry, partnerships that have redounded to the benefit of the university and the state of Connecticut.

    As Dean Kazerounian’s initial term drew to a close, I charged a review committee to evaluate his performance. Having received uniformly positive support for Dean Kazerounian’s leadership and consistent praise for his success in strengthening the School’s programming and reputation, I am delighted to inform you that I have offered, and Dean Kazerounian has accepted, an extension of his term as Dean for another five years.

    I am grateful to the review committee chair, Dean of Social Work, Nina Rovinelli Heller, and the review committee consisting of Professors Manos Anagnostou, Rajeev Bansal, and Arash Zaghi of the School of Engineering; Amy Howell of the Department of Chemistry in CLAS; Steve Suib of the Department of Chemistry and Director of the Institute for Materials Science; and Kerrie Alberts, Fiscal Manager in the School of Engineering, for their thorough work on this review.

    Please join me in congratulating Dean Kazerounian on his reappointment.

    For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at