Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 1/25 Deadline - InCHIP Seed Grant Letter of Intent

    $15,000 InCHIP Seed Grant Opportunities

    See the InCHIP seed grant website and click on the tab entitled “Writing Successful Seed Grants” for more information and to view a webinar that may assist you in writing the strongest possible seed grant application.

    Faculty/Researcher Seed Grant

    Funding Opportunity Announcement.pdf
    Letters of intent due by January 25, 2019
    Description: UConn’s Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP) offers seed grants for faculty and
    researchers at UConn Storrs, UConn Health, and the regional campuses who are InCHIP Affiliates. These grants are designed to fund pilot work that will directly support an external grant application that will be submitted through InCHIP in the areas of health behavior or health policy. Health is broadly defined and includes physical and mental health and outcomes with critical implications for health. The external grant should be submitted through InCHIP within one year of completing the pilot project.
    Letter of Intent Form
    Application Form

    Community-Engaged Health Research Seed Grant

    Funding Opportunity Announcement.pdf
    Letters of intent due by January 25, 2019
    Description: UConn’s Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP) is offering a pilot grant program that promotes community-engaged health research with reciprocal benefit to the community and the participating UConn faculty. InCHIP will provide $15,000 in seed grant funding for a community-engaged health research study that meets a need identified by the community. Eligible studies include research in health behavior or health policy conducted in community settings in Connecticut, using a participatory research framework and actively involving community stakeholders in the conceptualization, design, implementation, and/or evaluation. “Community” is defined broadly to include community-based organizations, populations in neighborhoods, healthcare settings, and other entities within communities. Preference will be given to those studies conducted in Hartford-based community settings.
    Letter of Intent Form


    For more information, contact: InCHIP at