Research, Funding, and Awards

  • CETL Large Course Redesign Grant

    The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) invites participation in a university-wide initiative to improve student outcomes by redesigning large-enrollment courses using active learning strategies and integrated educational technologies to “change the course of learning.” The Large Course Redesign (LCR) Grant Initiative is aimed at “making large courses feel small.”


    Eligibility criteria and program features:   

    *Courses should have an enrollment of 100+ students in very large sections or a large number of smaller sections;

    *Courses should have an identifiable academic problem (e.g., high DFW rates, lack of student engagement, limited assessment strategies, limited faculty-student  or student-student interaction);

    *LCR projects should be as specific as possible about anticipated results and benefits to different stakeholders (i.e. students, faculty, department, university)

    *In cases where there are multiple sections, the intent is to redesign the whole course rather than a single class/section

    *The decision to commit to the LCR project has strong support from the academic department and department head

    *Identification of an exemplary course being taught at a peer/aspirant institution and willingness to travel to learn what others are doing more effectively

    *Projects can be led by individual faculty (any full time rank) or involve a team of faculty


    Proposals are due February 10, 2019.


    For more information:


    Please feel free to refer any questions to Lauren Schlesselman at CETL ( or 860-486-3402).


    For more information, contact: Lauren Schlesselman at 860-486-3402