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  • Register: Cross-Cultural Communication COMM5895


    ~~~~~~~     SEATS ARE AVAILABLE!  ~~~~~~~

    Spring 2019

    Cross-Cultural Communication

    COMM 5895

    New Time:  Thursdays, 5pm-8pm, Arjona 203

    Instructor: Dr. Diana Rios,


    Course Description

    This graduate seminar takes an interdisciplinary approach to cross-cultural communication, as this area has been informed by various disciplines. Seminar participants will be introduced to classic or typical, cross-cultural theories as well as newer approaches in the study of cultures and cultural group interactions. Course materials offer a range of examples from select global communities. Readings, discussion topics and assignments are geared toward individuals planning to conduct research among a variety of population segments and serve diverse communities. Topics include but shall not be limited to: intercultural communication history; demographic changes; ethnic identities; conflict and cooperation; violations, moral choices, professional responsibilities; acculturation, adaptation, assimilation; media use; media representation; gender and sexuality; high and low context communication; time orientation; the sojourn; and culture shock.

    For more information, contact: UConn Communication Dept at 860-486-1042