Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Enrolling Participants in 2-Day Study of Language

    Volunteers are needed to participate in research study investigating how the brain understands speech and learns new speech sounds.  Participants will listen to speech sounds, words, or sentences and make decisions about them, and may also view pictures or text along with information that they hear. Some of these tasks may be done online.

    We will also measure your brain structure and/or function using MRI.  MRI allows us to take detailed pictures of your brain, and does not involve radiation. The study will last between 30 and 120 minutes per session. Participants may be eligible to participate in multiple research sessions.

    Requirements:  If interested in participating, you must:

    (1)       Be between 18 and 45 years of age

    (2)       Be right handed

    (3)       Be a native speaker of North American English;

    (4)       Have no hearing deficit

    (5)       Have no history of neurological impairment

    (6)       Be safe for MRI scanning, including, but not limited to:  no ferromagnetic material in your body and no pregnancy. 

    Participants will receive $10 per hour for participation in tasks done outside the scanner, and $30 per hour for time in the scanner.  If interested, please contact Chris Heffner ( We can also offer you pictures of your brain.

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Emily Myers, Speech Language and Hearing Sciences/Psychology, and Dr. Christopher Heffner, Speech Language and Hearing Sciences.

    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol H17-111.

    For more information, contact: Chris Heffner at