Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • 11/30 Food Safety Extension - Candidate Presentation

    On behalf of the search committee, I am pleased to announce the upcoming presentation by the fourth candidate for the position of Food Safety Assistant/Associate Extension Educator in the Department of Extension, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources

    Dr. Eduardo Gutierrez-Rodriguez, North Carolina State University                                               

    Friday, November 30, 2018; 11am – 12 pm   Advanced Technology Laboratory Building (ATL) Room 109

    Dr. Gutierrez will give a 40-minute presentation to “describe the process he would undertake to develop an Extension food safety program that addresses the needs of Connecticut produce growers, other food processors and preparers, and consumers, and engages stakeholders, regional partners and regulators”.

    A 20-minute question and answer period follows the formal presentation. The search committee welcomes your attendance and participation. Feedback on the candidate may be shared with the search committee by emailing


    Nancy Balcom, Senior Extension Educator

    Chair, Search Committee

    For more information, contact: Nancy Balcom at