Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/13 Black Women Save Democracy

    This event is made possible by the Collaborative to Advance Equity through Research, which was launched in 2015. An initiative which takes seriously and centrally the role gender, sexuality, and race play in the making of public discourse and policy, the Collaborative to Advance Research on Women and Girls of Color supports programs and scholarship on women and girls of color.

    Nadia E. Brown (Ph.D., Rutgers University) is a University Scholar and Associate Professor of Political Science and African American Studies at Purdue University. She specializes in Black women’s politics and holds a graduate certificate in Women's and Gender Studies. Dr. Brown's research interests lie broadly in identity politics, legislative studies, and Black women's studies. While trained as a political scientist, her scholarship on intersectionality seeks to push beyond disciplinary constraints to think more holistically about the politics of identity. Brown’s Sisters in the Statehouse: Black Women and Legislative Decision Making (Oxford University press, 2014) was awarded the National Conference of Black Political Scientists’ 2015 W.E.B. DuBois Distinguished Book Award, 2015 Anna Julia Cooper Award from the Association for the Study of Black Women and Politics, and the 2015 Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion at Purdue University Faculty Research Award. Along with Sarah Allen Gershon, Professor Brown co-edited Distinct Identities: Minority Women in U.S. Politics (Routledge Press 2016).

    For more information, contact: Cathy Schlund-Vials at