Training and Professional Development

  • 12/17 W Teaching Orientations Dec/Jan - Register Now

    This orientation outlines UConn’s expectations for W (writing-intensive) courses and offers guidance on how to integrate content with writing, design effective assignments, build revision into the writing process, and grade writing equitably. While we always offer this orientation in August and January, this year we are adding a new December session to allow more time to plan for spring 2019 W courses.

    Graduate students involved with W courses or labs are required to complete this orientation before the semester in which they are assigned to teach (a mandate included in the General Education Guidelines approved by the University Senate in 2003). All others—faculty, APIRs, adjunct faculty, staff—are invited to attend all or part of the day. Even experienced faculty have found this session a source of fresh ideas for teaching.

    The next two W Teaching Orientations will be on December 17, 2018 and January 17, 2019 and these will be the only opportunities before the spring semester.

    See the agenda and register for either date here:


    Graduate students who attended an earlier W Teaching Orientation need not repeat it. If they are not sure if they’ve completed the requirement, they can contact the Writing Center to find out.






    For more information, contact: Writing Center at