Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • 10/24 AlliedHealth Faculty Search Talk: Kara Wiseman

    Over the coming weeks, the Department of Allied Health Sciences will be welcoming four candidates for a new Assistant Professor position focused on Innovative Research Methods & Analysis of Complex Data in the Health Sciences. See full position description.

    Please join us for the third candidate's talk (45 minutes plus 15 minutes of discussion):

    October 24, 2018 | 1:00-2:00 P.M. | Koons Hall 217

    Kara Wiseman, PhD (Cancer Prevention Fellow, Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health)

    Application of Novel Design and Analytic Techniques for Digital Health Interventions

    Dr. Wiseman will be presenting research highlighting the application of innovative methods to address key questions related to public health, cancer prevention, and health behavior change interventions. She will focus primarily on research she has conducted in collaboration with the Initiative, which is comprised of a collection of digital smoking cessation resources and is hosted by the National Cancer Institute.

    For more information, contact: Bambi Mroz at