University Policy Information

  • Reminder: Political Activity of State Employees

    Dear Colleagues,

    As Election Day approaches, we write to share a reminder concerning University policy on the political activities of state employees. Several state and University statues and policies address political activity of state employees, including the prohibition of engaging in political activity while on state time or with state resources. Specifically, the University Guide to the State Code of Ethics, which applies to all UConn employees, reads:

    1. Employees are not prohibited from seeking political office as long as it is not done on state time or with state equipment. However, any state employee who is elected to state political office may not be employed by two branches of state government simultaneously. Therefore, any employee who accepts an elective state office must resign or take a leave of absence from his/her position with the University. Consult the By-Laws of the University of Connecticut and inform your supervisor prior to participating in a political campaign.
    2. No employee of the University will engage in partisan political activities while on state time. Additionally, no employee will use state materials or equipment for the purpose of influencing a political election of any sort.

    To elaborate, it is important to remember that employees should refrain from: (a) posting on bulletin boards seeking support for a political candidate or party or donations for a political campaigns; and (b) wearing or displaying political buttons or clothing while on state time or on state property. While employees cannot wear or display political buttons, clothing, or other material in the workplace, it is permissible to place political messaging on a personal vehicle, even when it is parked on state property.

    Please contact Labor Relation ( with questions.

    Thank you for your time and attention to these matters.


    Christopher Delello                                                                                    Kim Fearney

    Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer                          Interim Associate Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer

    For more information, contact: Labor Relations at