Facilities and Transportation

  • Depot Campus: Shuttle & Parking Update

    Parking Services & Transportation Services has renewed its commitment to provide a full complement of services to the Depot campus. 

    We are please report that regular shuttle service between the Storrs and Depot campuses was restored on Monday, Oct. 8 (map).

    In advance of enforcement efforts that will begin in the 2019-20 academic year, parking permit signs were also installed in many Depot campus locations. Those signs will not be enforced until September 2019. We understand that some of the recently installed signs may need to be changed and additional signage may be required.

    It is essential for departments and programs on the Depot to provide us with the information needed to insure that all parking areas are properly assigned. 

    If you have insights and information to share, please contact by email sent to parkingservices@uconn.edu as soon as possible.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    For more information, contact: Parking & Transportation Services at (860) 486-4930