Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • Neutrality Agreement: UAW

    Over the summer, the United Auto Workers (“UAW”) filed a petition to be recognized as the representative of the Postdoctoral Research Associates at Storrs, and to form a union as an affiliate unit of the UAW in order to bargain with the University over the Postdoctoral Research Associates’ terms and conditions of employment.

    Since that time, the University has entered into a Neutrality Agreement (“Agreement”) with the UAW. This Agreement commits the University to neutrality with regard to the UAW’s effort to organize the Postdoctoral Research Associates, and sets forth certain obligations of both parties.

    The Agreement specifically prohibits any efforts to influence any Postdoctoral Research Associate‘s choice related to this union effort, including but not limited to speeches, one-on-one meetings, distribution of literature, email communications or other activities intended to influence the free choice of the post-doc researchers.  Further, in accordance with the Agreement, the broader University community is being informed of this obligation by this publication in the Faculty/Staff daily digest. 

    Thank you for your attention to these matters and your cooperation. To review of a copy of the entire Neutrality Agreement, please contact the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations at 6-5684 or


    Karen K. Buffkin

    Executive Director of Employee Relations

    Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations

    For more information, contact: Labor Relations at 6-5684