Training and Professional Development

  • Reminder: Psychological First Aid

    Student Health Services, in cooperation with Human Resources and the Division of Public Safety, have partnered together to deliver Psychological First Aid (PFA) training for UConn faculty, staff, and graduate assistants. Psychological First Aid is an opportunity to infuse UConn faculty, staff, and graduate assistants with basic response techniques appropriate after a traumatic incident on campus. When interacting with each other and with students, what is a basic toolkit that individuals might draw upon to respond with compassion? Traumatic incidents are unexpected, and can affect any of us at any time. Psychological First Aid provides the audience with an introduction to response techniques to support each other in the event of a mass traumatic incident.

    Course date and time: Friday, October 19, 9:00am to 12:00pm

    Course location: Student Union Theater

    Register at:

    For more information, contact: Betsy Cracco at