Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 10/3 Statistics Colloquium, Prof. Vladimir Pozdnyakov

    Vladimir Pozdnyakov, Professor

    Department of Statistics

    University of Connecticut


    Discretely Observed Brownian Motion Governed by a

    Telegraph Process: Estimation




    A Brownian motion whose infinitesimal variance alternates according to a telegraph process is considered. This stochastic process can be employed to model variety of real-word situations. In this work we applied our findings for animal movement analysis. Another possible application is stochastic volatility modeling in mathematical finance. The main goal is to develop an estimation procedure for underlying model parameters when the Brownian Motion governed by telegraph process is observed discretely. Resulting sequence of observations is not Markov. But since the location-state process is Markov, the likelihood estimation can be done with help of Hidden Markov Model tools.



    DATE:  Wednesday, October 3, 2018

    TIME:    4:00 pm

    PLACE: Philip E. Austin Bldg., Rm. 108



    Coffee will be served at 3:30 pm in the Noether Lounge (AUST 326)

    For more information, contact: Tracy Burke at