Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship Awards

    Provost’s Award for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship

    Community Engaged Scholarship is integral to the academic endeavor and to the institution-wide mission of a land grant university. Such scholarship arises from the involvement of members of the university community in the academically relevant work of discovery, creativity, integration, teaching, application, and engagement in a context of collaboration and reciprocity with the community (local, regional/state, national, or global) to create conditions for the public good, culminating in sustainable change and dissemination of these activities.


    These awards (and the event at which they are presented) are a celebration and recognition of our faculty, staff, and student work to integrate community engaged scholarship successfully into their academic, research, and service programs, thereby maximizing the University’s impact on the communities with whom it engages.

    There will be six categories for the awards, including: Tenure-track faculty members, Non-Tenure track faculty members, undergraduate students, advanced degree students, and staff.  In addition there will be an award dedicated to a person or team who has demonstrated throughout their career the importance and value of Community Engaged Scholarship to their professional development as well that of their students and partners.

    • October 26 — Nominations are due electronically to the Office of the Provost
    •  November 9 — Award recipients (as well as their nominator and Department Head, Dean, and/or Director) will be notified. Award recipients, upon notification, will be requested to create an electronic version of a poster, which the Office will then produce (i.e., print). Invitations for the Award Ceremony will be sent out to the University community, with RSVPs requested.
    • November 21 — Posters (e-versions) from award recipients are due to the Office of the Provost.
    • Last week of November — Provost’s Awards for Excellence in Community Engaged Scholarship Reception and Awards Ceremony, Details TBD, Posters will be on display throughout the event.

    To learn more about the nomination procedures and selection criteria please visit   

    For more information, contact: Virginia White at