Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 9/28 Geography Colloquium - Dr. Kroum Batchvarov

    The Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project

    Dr. Kroum Batchvarov is an Associate Professor of Maritime Archaeology at the Department of Anthropology and the Maritime Studies Program at University of Connecticut. Dr. Batchvarov's main research focus is maritime archaeology of 17th-century seafaring, specializing in English and Dutch ship construction and Black Sea seafaring and shipbuilding. Batchvarov is part of a team of scientists on The Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project. Since its inception in 2015, The Black Sea MAP, one of the largest maritime archaeological projects ever staged, has been investigating the changes in the ancient environment of the Black Sea region including the impact of sea level change during the last glacial cycle and interconnectivity through the millennia.

    Friday, September 28, 2018
    12:20pm – 1:10pm

    Storrs Campus

    AUST 434


    Contact Information: Nat Trumbull []

    For more information, contact: Nat Trumbull at