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  • 9/25 New York Times' Dan Barry on new book This Land

     In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Dan Barry spent more than a decade crisscrossing America for the New York Times, excavating the hidden stories of America for his This Land column. His new book, This Land: America, Lost and Found, collects nearly 100 of those distinctive essays, along with striking photos. Before joining the Times, Barry shared a Pulitzer Prize at the Providence Journal and worked at the Journal Inquirer in Manchester, Conn. A graduate of St. Bonaventure University, he has written four other books, including The Boys in the Bunkhouse and Bottom of the 33rd.

       He will speak in the Widmer Wing Auditorium of Storrs Hall from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., take questions and sign copies of his books for sale from the UConn Bookstore. Admission is free and open to a campus-wide audience.

    For more information, contact: Mike Stanton/Journalism at