Training and Professional Development

  • Graduate Seminar in Academic Writing

    Each academic year, the UConn Writing Center offers 3 no-cost, five-week seminars in academic writing for UConn graduate students.

    The goal is to help graduate writers develop a toolbox of composing, revising, and peer-review skills. 

    This semester, the seminar will take place from October 10th to November 7th. We will meet every Wednesday during those five weeks, from 4pm to 6pm.

    Participants must bring to the seminar a draft of a writing project (at least 5 double-spaced pages). Most seminar sessions involve working on this draft, and most of our time is dedicated to developing skills for revising and on cultivating productive writing habits.

    Participants should expect to commit 5 hours per week: 2 in class and 3 outside of class to complete readings and assignments.

    Seminar participants must be degree-seeking UConn graduate students. International grad students are welcome. We ask graduate students to complete an application form for the seminar, as interest in the course often exceeds our 25 student enrollment capability.  If we receive more applications than there are seats available (which is likely), we will make decisions about enrollment based on seniority, the degree of fit between the course and the applicant’s writing project, the application submission date, and the motivation of the applicant. Applications submitted after the posted deadline will be considered if spaces are available. Submission of a promissory note for $100 is also required of participants upon acceptance into the seminar. It will not be used if participants attend and participate in all seminar classes and activities. Otherwise, the Bursar’s Office will charge your account and the money will be used for future Writing Center graduate student events. Unforeseen circumstances that prevent attendance (e.g. sickness, bereavement, etc.) will be taken into consideration but need to communicated with the Coordinator for Graduate Writing Support. Make-up session with the seminar leader can be arranged under these circumstances. 

    If you are interested in participating, please apply online through our website and send a copy of your writing project to

    The seminars are made possible through funding from the Graduate School and the University Writing Center.

    For more information, contact: Gali - Writing Center at