Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 10/5 Balanced Man Scholarship

    Dear UConn faculty and staff members, 

    The Balanced Man Scholarship is a celebration of the University of Connecticut's brightest and most well-rounded individuals. Our goal? To bring the best of the best together in order to learn, socialize, and enjoy a meal with each other. The BMS committee is looking for strong individuals who are devoted to academic success, strive for peak mental and physical health, and have a burning desire to make a difference in the world. As the teachers and role models for our students, we strongly believe your assistance is quintessential. If you consider any of your students to be worthy contenders, directing them to this honorous opportunity would be doing them a great service. 

    Finalists will be invited to a banquet at the end of October, and three winners will receive a $300 scholarship. 

    Here's the link to the application:


    We are looking for freshmen and sophomores, all personality types, and intend to garner a diverse pool of majors. Thank you in advance for your help! 




    Jacob Rudolph 

    For more information, contact: Jacob Rudolph at