Training and Professional Development

  • 9/7 GEU Town Hall

    GEU Town Hall Series


    The Graduate School and Labor Relations will hold a two-hour information session on Friday, September 7 to review negotiated changes to the Graduate Assistant (GEU) contract that went into effect July 1, 2018. In addition to changes to articles in the contract that you may be familiar with, the sessions will include review of two new articles related to time off and summer appointments.  You can find the complete text of the contract here.



    Friday, September 7 – 2:30pm - 4:30pm (OAK 101)


    The meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend, so please feel free to share this information with anyone you believe may be interested. We strongly encourage department faculty and staff to attend.


    Please e-mail or call if you have any questions about the contract. If we don't know the answer immediately, we will track it down and get back to you as soon as we can.


    Thank you,


    Kent E. Holsinger

    Vice Provost for Graduate Education and

    Dean of the Graduate School 


    Jessa Y. Mirtle 

    Labor Relations Associate and Staff Attorney

    Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations



    For more information, contact: The Graduate School at