Special Events and Receptions

  • 8/31 Kathleen Kennedy Guest Lecture

    The UConn Medieval Studies program invites you to a guest lecture by Kathleen Kennedy, “The Puzzle of Abbot Islip’s Book, Tudor Pop Music, and King Henry VIII’s Lady Chapel.” The talk, a book-history detective-story, will be held Friday, August 31, at 4:00 pm in the Stern Lounge (Austin 217), with a dinner reception to follow on campus. Kathleen Kennedy is a scholar of both history and literature in the Middle English and Early Modern periods, the author of Medieval Hackers (2015), has presented for the UConn Medieval Studies program before on the pre-modern global history of the coconut, and is teaching on the history of the book as the Charles A. Owen, Jr., Visiting Professor this Fall 2018 semester.

    For more information, contact: UConn Medieval Studies Program at uconn.medieval.studies@gmail.com