Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 8/31 AlcoholEdu *Mandatory* for Incoming Students

    Please remind your students to complete AlcoholEdu: AlcoholEdu is a university-wide online alcohol education program that is required for incoming students. Through this course, students will gain valuable knowledge about alcohol and its physiological effects, explore campus trends, correct misperceptions about alcohol use, and learn risk-reduction strategies to help them navigate their college experience.  


    • Part 1 of AlcoholEdu opened on August 13th.


    • Part 1 takes around 90 minutes to complete.


    • The Part 1 deadline has been extended to August 31st and is MANDATORY for all first-year, transfer, and campus change students.


    • This course is integral to providing our students with baseline knowledge around a critical issue that they will all face, whether they choose to drink or not. 


    • The final deadline for taking Part 1 is August 31st, 2018.


    • Your assistance in this process could have a significant impact on the completion rate of the incoming class.  



    • Students who do not complete both Part 1 and Part 2 of AlcoholEdu by their respective August 31st and October 17th deadlines will have a hold placed on their account which will prevent them for registering for Spring 2019 classes until AlcoholEdu is completed.


    We appreciate your help in promoting the health, safety and wellness of your students by reminding them to complete this important and educational requirement.   

    For more information, contact: Wellness and Prevetnion at