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  • Myths About Majors - FYE Presentation

    “How Major is Your Major?” – Request Presentation for FYE

    Whether they're anxiously undecided, comfortably declared, or somewhere in-between...all students can benefit from taking the time to explore their options and opportunities before committing to a major. However, most students simply aren't prepared to explore. Preconceived assumptions and myths about majors prevent them from being able to take full advantage of the process. This presentation will focus on elevating the student approach to major exploration by acknowledging and correcting these misconceptions and demonstrating that choosing a major isn’t quite so major.

    This presentation is not exclusive to undecided students. It is just as (if not more) important for declared students to be educated on the realities of deciding on a major.

    This presentation focuses on two key points:

    1. Addressing and dispelling common myths and fallacies associated with choosing majors/careers.
    2. Providing students with the appropriate tools and resources to effectively explore majors. 


    Requests are accepted on a rolling basis. However, we ask that you submit your request by the start of the semester for best availability.


    For more information, contact: Harry Twyman at