Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Seeking Volunteers Treated for High Cholesterol

    Have you experienced muscle pain while being treated for high cholesterol?

    Investigators from the Dept of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut and the Dept of Preventive Cardiology at Hartford Hospital are examining how common cholesterol-lowering medications affect muscles.

    To participate you must:
    *Be at least 40 years old 
    *Currently be or have been treated with a statin and had muscle symptoms

    6 month study involves:

    Treatment with an FDA-approved cholesterol lowering medication OR placebo 

    Visits for: 
    1. Muscle oxygen measurement 
    2. Blood samples 
    3. Questionnaire completion 

    Participants will receive: Financial compensation up to $200

    For more information, please call: (860) 972-1508 Dr. Beth Taylor

    Approved by the University of Connecticut and Hartford Hospital IRBs #E-HHC-2017-0134 

    For more information, contact: Robert Schmelzer at